1, // Should the Laravel integrated logger handle the logging 'laravelLogging' => true, // Enable or disable database logging 'databaseLogging' => true, // Enable or disable logging error jobs only 'logOnlyErrorJobsToDatabase' => false, // Delte old database entries after how many hours - if this value is set to 0, no entries will be deleted 'deleteDatabaseEntriesAfter' => 240, // Prevent job overlapping - if Cron is still running it could not be started a second time 'preventOverlapping' => true, // Enable or disable the check if the current Cron run is in time 'inTimeCheck' => true, // Cron application key for securing the integrated Cron run route - if the value is empty, the route is disabled 'cronKey' => 'Sv9zmTTmLVODDEkI1NrRnAbfBJIPH2nf', ];