'Dashboard', 'toTop' => 'to Top', 'AllRightsReserved' => 'All Rights Reserved', 'moreDetails' => 'More Details', 'viewMore' => 'View More', 'readMore' => 'Read More', 'downloadAttach' => 'Download Attachment', 'contactDetails' => 'Contact Details', 'callUs' => 'Call Us', 'callFax' => 'Fax', 'callMobile' => 'Mobile', 'callPhone' => 'Phone', 'callTimes' => 'Working Times', 'address' => 'Address', 'name' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'phone' => 'Phone', 'latestNews' => 'Latest News', 'ourGallery' => 'Our Gallery', 'subscribeToOurNewsletter' => 'Subscribe To Our Newsletter', 'subscribeToOurNewsletterDone' => 'You have Subscribed', 'subscribeToOurNewsletterError' => 'You Already Subscribed', 'newsletter' => 'Our Newsletter', 'subscribe' => 'Subscribe', 'yourEmail' => 'Your Email', 'yourName' => 'Your Name', 'enterYourName' => 'Please enter your name', 'enterYourEmail' => 'Please enter your email address', 'enterYourPhone' => 'Please enter your phone number', 'enterYourSubject' => 'Please enter a subject for your message', 'enterYourMessage' => 'Please type your message', 'youMessageSent' => 'Your message has been sent successfully, We will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you!', 'youMessageNotSent' => 'Error: Please try again', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'message' => 'Message', 'sendMessage' => 'Send Message', 'workingHours' => 'Working Hours', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'noData' => 'There is no data here up to now', 'mostViewed' => 'Most Viewed', 'share' => 'Share', 'locationMap' => 'Location Map', 'comments' => 'Comments', 'comment' => 'Comment', 'enterYourComment' => 'Please enter your comment', 'sendComment' => 'Send Comment', 'youCommentSent' => 'Your Comment has been sent successfully. Thank you!', 'newComment' => 'Add New Comment', 'refresh' => 'Refresh', 'getInTouch' => 'Get in touch with us by filling contact form below', 'homeContents1Title' => 'Latest Articles', 'homeContents1desc' => 'The latest articles from our blog, you can browse more', 'homeContents2Title' => 'Recent Works', 'homeContents2desc' => 'Some of our latest works, you can browse more', 'search' => 'Search for...', 'visits' => 'Visits', 'orderForm' => 'Order form', 'quantity' => 'Quantity', 'yourQuantity' => 'Please enter quantity', 'notes' => 'Notes', 'sendOrder' => 'Send Order', 'youOrderSent' => 'Your Order has been sent successfully. We will contact you as soon as possible.', 'partners' => 'Our Partners', 'partnersMsg' => 'Long term partnerships with leading local and international companies', 'fullName' => 'full Name', 'parentDetails' => 'Parent Details', 'idNumber' => 'Identification', 'pupilDetails' => 'Pupil Details', 'cname' => 'Pupil Name', 'choosekindergarden' => 'choose kindergarten', 'female' => 'Femal', 'chooseNeighborhood' => 'choose Neighborhood', 'chooseSex' => 'choose Sex', 'chooseStage' => 'chooseStage', 'easternNeighborhood' => 'eastern Neighborhood', 'KindergardenDetails' => 'Kindergarten Details', 'KindergardenYear1' => 'Kindergarten Year 1', 'KindergardenYear2' => 'Kindergarten Year 2', 'KindergardenYear3' => 'Kindergarten Year 3', 'male' => 'Male', 'northernNeighborhood' => 'northern Neighborhood', 'southernNeighborhood' => 'southern Neighborhood', 'westernNeighborhood' => 'western Neighborhood', 'applicationSubmission' => 'Application Submission', 'fName' => 'Family Name', 'NoFileChosen' => 'No File Chosen', 'pName' => 'Private Name', 'yourFamilyName' => 'Family Name', 'fillForm' => 'Fill Form', 'click' => 'click', 'shevyon' => 'موقع المجلس المحلي مدعوم من قبل وزارة المساواة الاجتماعية', );