$var; } static function GeneralSiteSettings($var) { $Setting = Setting::find(1); return $Setting->$var; } // Get Events Alerts static function eventsAlerts() { if (@Auth::user()->permissionsGroup->view_status) { $Events = Event::where('created_by', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('start_date', '>=', "'" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'")->orderby('start_date', 'asc')->limit(10)->get(); } else { $Events = Event::where('start_date', '>=', "'" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'")->orderby('start_date', 'asc')->limit(10)->get(); } return $Events; } // Get Webmails Alerts static function webmailsAlerts() { //List of all Webmails if (@Auth::user()->permissionsGroup->view_status) { $Webmails = Webmail::where('created_by', '=', Auth::user()->id)->orderby('id', 'desc')->where('status', '=', 0) ->where('cat_id', '=', 0)->limit(4)->get(); } else { $Webmails = Webmail::orderby('id', 'desc')->where('status', '=', 0) ->where('cat_id', '=', 0)->limit(4)->get(); } return $Webmails; } // Get Webmails Alerts static function webmailsNewCount() { //List of all Webmails if (@Auth::user()->permissionsGroup->view_status) { $Webmails = Webmail::where('created_by', '=', Auth::user()->id)->orderby('id', 'desc')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('cat_id', '=', 0)->get(); } else { $Webmails = Webmail::orderby('id', 'desc')->where('status', '=', 0)->where('cat_id', '=', 0)->get(); } return count($Webmails); } // Visitors Data static function SaveVisitorInfo($PageTitle) { function getBrowser() { // check if IE 8 - 11+ preg_match('/Trident\/(.*)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches); if ($matches) { $version = intval($matches[1]) + 4; // Trident 4 for IE8, 5 for IE9, etc return 'Internet Explorer ' . ($version < 11 ? $version : $version); } preg_match('/MSIE (.*)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches); if ($matches) { return 'Internet Explorer ' . intval($matches[1]); } // check if Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari foreach (array('Firefox', 'OPR', 'Chrome', 'Safari') as $browser) { preg_match('/' . $browser . '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches); if ($matches) { return str_replace('OPR', 'Opera', $browser); // we don't care about the version, because this is a modern browser that updates itself unlike IE } } } function getOS() { $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $os_platform = "unknown"; $os_array = array( '/windows nt 6.3/i' => 'Windows 8.1', '/windows nt 6.2/i' => 'Windows 8', '/windows nt 6.1/i' => 'Windows 7', '/windows nt 6.0/i' => 'Windows Vista', '/windows nt 5.2/i' => 'Windows Server 2003/XP x64', '/windows nt 5.1/i' => 'Windows XP', '/windows xp/i' => 'Windows XP', '/windows nt 5.0/i' => 'Windows 2000', '/windows me/i' => 'Windows ME', '/win98/i' => 'Windows 98', '/win95/i' => 'Windows 95', '/win16/i' => 'Windows 3.11', '/macintosh|mac os x/i' => 'Mac OS X', '/mac_powerpc/i' => 'Mac OS 9', '/linux/i' => 'Linux', '/ubuntu/i' => 'Ubuntu', '/iphone/i' => 'iPhone', '/ipod/i' => 'iPod', '/ipad/i' => 'iPad', '/android/i' => 'Android', '/blackberry/i' => 'BlackBerry', '/webos/i' => 'Mobile' ); foreach ($os_array as $regex => $value) { if (preg_match($regex, $user_agent)) { $os_platform = $value; } } return $os_platform; } $visitor_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $current_page_full_link = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; $page_load_time = round((microtime(true) - LARAVEL_START), 8); // Check is it already saved today to visitors? $SavedVisitor = AnalyticsVisitor::where('ip', '=', $visitor_ip)->where('date', '=', date('Y-m-d'))->first(); if (empty($SavedVisitor) ) { // New to analyticsVisitors try { $visitor_ip_details = json_decode(@file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/{$visitor_ip}/json")); $visitor_city = @$visitor_ip_details->city; if ($visitor_city == "") { $visitor_city = "unknown"; } $visitor_region = @$visitor_ip_details->region; if ($visitor_region == "") { $visitor_region = "unknown"; } $visitor_country_code = @$visitor_ip_details->country; if ($visitor_country_code == "") { $visitor_country_code = "unknown"; $visitor_country = "unknown"; } else { $v_country = Country::where('code', '=', $visitor_country_code)->first(); $visitor_country = $v_country->title_en; } $visitor_address = "$visitor_region, $visitor_city, $visitor_country"; $visitor_loc = explode(',', @$visitor_ip_details->loc); $visitor_loc_0 = @$visitor_loc[0]; if ($visitor_loc_0 == "") { $visitor_loc_0 = "unknown"; } $visitor_loc_1 = @$visitor_loc[1]; if ($visitor_loc_1 == "") { $visitor_loc_1 = "unknown"; } $visitor_org = @$visitor_ip_details->org; if ($visitor_org == "") { $visitor_org = "unknown"; } $visitor_hostname = @$visitor_ip_details->hostname; if ($visitor_hostname == "") { $visitor_hostname = "No Hostname"; } } catch (Exception $e) { $visitor_city = "unknown"; $visitor_region = "unknown"; $visitor_country_code = "unknown"; $visitor_country = "unknown"; $visitor_loc_0 = "unknown"; $visitor_loc_1 = "unknown"; $visitor_org = "unknown"; $visitor_hostname = "No Hostname"; } $visitor_referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "unknown"; $visitor_browser = getBrowser(); $visitor_os = getOS(); $visitor_screen_res = "unknown"; // Start saving to database $Visitor = new AnalyticsVisitor; $Visitor->ip = $visitor_ip; $Visitor->city = $visitor_city; $Visitor->country_code = $visitor_country_code; $Visitor->country = $visitor_country; $Visitor->region = $visitor_region; $Visitor->full_address = $visitor_address; $Visitor->location_cor1 = $visitor_loc_0; $Visitor->location_cor2 = $visitor_loc_1; $Visitor->os = $visitor_os; $Visitor->browser = $visitor_browser; $Visitor->resolution = $visitor_screen_res; $Visitor->referrer = $visitor_referrer; $Visitor->hostname = $visitor_hostname; $Visitor->org = $visitor_org; $Visitor->date = date('Y-m-d'); $Visitor->time = date('H:i:s'); $Visitor->save(); // Start saving page info to database $VisitedPage = new AnalyticsPage; $VisitedPage->visitor_id = $Visitor->id; $VisitedPage->ip = $visitor_ip; $VisitedPage->title = $PageTitle; $VisitedPage->name = "unknown"; $VisitedPage->query = $current_page_full_link; $VisitedPage->load_time = $page_load_time; $VisitedPage->date = date('Y-m-d'); $VisitedPage->time = date('H:i:s'); $VisitedPage->save(); } else { // Already Saved to analyticsVisitors // Check if page saved $Savedpage = AnalyticsPage::where('visitor_id', '=', $SavedVisitor->id)->where('ip', '=', $visitor_ip)->where('date', '=', date('Y-m-d'))->where('query', '=', $current_page_full_link)->first(); if (empty($Savedpage) ) { $VisitedPage = new AnalyticsPage; $VisitedPage->visitor_id = $SavedVisitor->id; $VisitedPage->ip = $visitor_ip; $VisitedPage->title = $PageTitle; $VisitedPage->name = "unknown"; $VisitedPage->query = $current_page_full_link; $VisitedPage->load_time = $page_load_time; $VisitedPage->date = date('Y-m-d'); $VisitedPage->time = date('H:i:s'); $VisitedPage->save(); } } } // Videos Check Functions static function Get_youtube_video_id($url) { if (preg_match('/youtu\.be/i', $url) || preg_match('/youtube\.com\/watch/i', $url)) { $pattern = '/^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/'; preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches); if (!empty($matches) && strlen($matches[7]) == 11) { return $matches[7]; } } return ''; } static function Get_vimeo_video_id($url) { if (preg_match('/vimeo\.com/i', $url)) { $pattern = '/\/\/(www\.)?vimeo.com\/(\d+)($|\/)/'; preg_match($pattern, $url, $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { return $matches[2]; } } return ''; } // Social Share links static function SocialShare($social, $title) { $shareLink = ""; $URL = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; switch ($social) { case "facebook": $shareLink = "https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=" . urlencode($URL); break; case "twitter": $shareLink = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=$title&url=" . urlencode($URL); break; case "google": $shareLink = "https://plus.google.com/share?url=" . urlencode($URL); break; case "linkedin": $shareLink = "http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=" . urlencode($URL) . "&title=$title"; break; case "tumblr": $shareLink = "http://www.tumblr.com/share/link?url=" . urlencode($URL); break; } Return $shareLink; } static function GetIcon($path, $file) { $ext = strrchr($file, "."); $ext = strtolower($ext); $icon = "
"; if ($ext == ".pdf") { $icon = "
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"; } if ($ext == ".xls" or $ext == '.xlsx') { $icon = "
"; } if ($ext == ".ppt" or $ext == '.pptx' or $ext == '.pptm') { $icon = "
"; } if ($ext == ".doc" or $ext == '.docx') { $icon = "
"; } if ($ext == ".zip" or $ext == '.rar') { $icon = "
"; } if ($ext == ".txt" or $ext == '.rtf') { $icon = "
"; } if ($ext == ".mp3" or $ext == '.wav') { $icon = "
"; } if ($ext == ".mp4" or $ext == '.avi') { $icon = "
"; } return $icon; } static function URLSlug($url_ar,$url_he, $url_en, $type = "", $id = 0) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = true; $Check_SEO_st_he = true; $Check_SEO_st_en = true; $seo_url_slug_ar = str_slug($url_ar, '-'); $seo_url_slug_he = str_slug($url_he, '-'); $seo_url_slug_en = str_slug($url_en, '-'); $ReservedURLs = array( "home", "about", "privacy", "terms", "contact", "search", "comment", "order", "sitemap" ); if ($type == "section" && $id > 0) { // .. .. Webmaster Sections $check_WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::where([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_WebmasterSection) ) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = false; } $check_WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::where([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_WebmasterSection)) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } } else { // .. .. Webmaster Sections $check_WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::where('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_ar)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_ar)->get(); if (!empty($check_WebmasterSection)) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = false; } $check_WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::where('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_en)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_en)->get(); if (!empty($check_WebmasterSection) ) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } } if ($type == "category" && $id > 0) { // .. .. Sections $check_Section = Section::where([['seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_Section) ) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = false; } $check_Section = Section::where([['seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_Section) ) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } $check_Section = Section::where([['seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_he], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_he], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_he], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_Section) ) { $Check_SEO_st_he = false; } } else { // .. .. Sections $check_Section = Section::where('seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_ar)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_ar)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_ar)->get(); if (!empty($check_Section) ) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = false; } $check_Section = Section::where('seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_en)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_en)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_en)->get(); if (!empty($check_Section) ) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } $check_Section = Section::where('seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_he)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_he)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_he)->get(); if (!empty($check_Section) ) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } } if ($type == "topic" && $id > 0) { // .. .. Topics $check_Topic = Topic::where([['seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_ar], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_Topic) ) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = false; } $check_Topic = Topic::where([['seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_en], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_Topic) ) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } $check_Topic = Topic::where([['seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_he], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_he], ['id', '!=', $id]])->orWhere([['seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_he], ['id', '!=', $id]])->get(); if (!empty($check_Topic) ) { $Check_SEO_st_he = false; } } else { // .. .. Topics $check_Topic = Topic::where('seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_ar)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_ar)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_ar)->get(); if (!empty($check_Topic)) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = false; } $check_Topic = Topic::where('seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_en)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_en)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_en)->get(); if (!empty($check_Topic) ) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } $check_Topic = Topic::where('seo_url_slug_he', $seo_url_slug_he)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_ar', $seo_url_slug_he)->orWhere('seo_url_slug_en', $seo_url_slug_he)->get(); if (!empty($check_Topic)) { $Check_SEO_st_he = false; } } if (in_array($seo_url_slug_ar, $ReservedURLs)) { $Check_SEO_st_ar = false; } if (in_array($seo_url_slug_he, $ReservedURLs)) { $Check_SEO_st_he = false; } if (in_array($seo_url_slug_en, $ReservedURLs)) { $Check_SEO_st_en = false; } if ($seo_url_slug_ar == "") { $Check_SEO_st_ar = true; } if ($seo_url_slug_he == "") { $Check_SEO_st_he = true; } if ($seo_url_slug_en == "") { $Check_SEO_st_en = true; } $ar_slug = ""; if ($Check_SEO_st_ar) { $ar_slug = $seo_url_slug_ar; } $en_slug = ""; if ($Check_SEO_st_en) { $en_slug = $seo_url_slug_en; } $he_slug = ""; if ($Check_SEO_st_he) { $he_slug = $seo_url_slug_he; } return array("slug_ar" => $he_slug,"slug_he" => $he_slug, "slug_en" => $en_slug); } } ?>