[ { "type": "feature", "category": "Rds", "description": "Fixes a bug where DestinationRegion was not being added to automatically generated PreSignedUrl parameters for RDS operations." }, { "type": "feature", "category": "S3", "description": "Updates the type of the S3 Size object to long (from integer) to properly reflect objects over PHP_INT_MAX in size. This will affect ListObjects, ListObjectsV2, ListObjectVersions, and ListParts. This bug fix may be a breaking change for customers who relied on the previously PHP_INT_MAX capped behavior or on the type of the field. You may see objects at their full size, as a string, if they are over PHP_INT_MAX in size." }, { "type": "api-change", "category": "SageMaker", "description": "CreateTrainingJob and CreateEndpointConfig now supports KMS Key for volume encryption. " } ]