PK 7HWZ)* auth.phpnu [ [ 'guard' => 'web', 'passwords' => 'users', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Authentication Guards |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Next, you may define every authentication guard for your application. | Of course, a great default configuration has been defined for you | here which uses session storage and the Eloquent user provider. | | All authentication drivers have a user provider. This defines how the | users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage | mechanisms used by this application to persist your user's data. | | Supported: "session", "token" | */ 'guards' => [ 'web' => [ 'driver' => 'session', 'provider' => 'users', ], 'api' => [ 'driver' => 'token', 'provider' => 'users', ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Providers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | All authentication drivers have a user provider. This defines how the | users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage | mechanisms used by this application to persist your user's data. | | If you have multiple user tables or models you may configure multiple | sources which represent each model / table. These sources may then | be assigned to any extra authentication guards you have defined. | | Supported: "database", "eloquent" | */ 'providers' => [ 'users' => [ 'driver' => 'eloquent', 'model' => App\User::class, ], // 'users' => [ // 'driver' => 'database', // 'table' => 'users', // ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Resetting Passwords |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may set the options for resetting passwords including the view | that is your password reset e-mail. You may also set the name of the | table that maintains all of the reset tokens for your application. | | You may specify multiple password reset configurations if you have more | than one user table or model in the application and you want to have | separate password reset settings based on the specific user types. | | The expire time is the number of minutes that the reset token should be | considered valid. This security feature keeps tokens short-lived so | they have less time to be guessed. You may change this as needed. | */ 'passwords' => [ 'users' => [ 'provider' => 'users', 'email' => 'auth.emails.password', 'table' => 'password_resets', 'expire' => 60, ], ], ]; PK 7HWZ]C C broadcasting.phpnu [ env('BROADCAST_DRIVER', 'log'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Broadcast Connections |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may define all of the broadcast connections that will be used | to broadcast events to other systems or over websockets. Samples of | each available type of connection are provided inside this array. | */ 'connections' => [ 'pusher' => [ 'driver' => 'pusher', 'key' => env('PUSHER_KEY'), 'secret' => env('PUSHER_SECRET'), 'app_id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'), ], 'redis' => [ 'driver' => 'redis', 'connection' => 'default', ], 'log' => [ 'driver' => 'log', ], ], ]; PK 7HWZy services.phpnu [ [ 'domain' => '', 'secret' => '', ], 'mandrill' => [ 'secret' => '', ], 'ses' => [ 'key' => '', 'secret' => '', 'region' => 'us-east-1', ], 'stripe' => [ 'model' => 'User', 'secret' => '', ], 'facebook' => [ 'client_id' => '', //'1549781705316089', //app id 'client_secret' => '', //'d87caaf1b1dd1d5620fee458a85fb04b', //app secret 'redirect' => '', //'http://localhost/FaveoVersions/faveo-helpdesk/public/social/login/facebook', //redirec ], 'google' => [ 'client_id' => '', //'688540182553-kp780p6fvhjqtl6c91npm6hjair96vkr.apps.googleusercontent.com', //app id 'client_secret' => '', //'ZZ9lXX6uqLGgP1NzbQMh8tMT', //secret 'redirect' => '', //'http://localhost/FaveoVersions/faveo-helpdesk/public/social/login/google', //redirect ], 'github' => [ 'client_id' => '', //'32e7f0bf89715bee29c4', //app id 'client_secret' => '', //'2f279448a6e22bcc3948684b9fd9ae52859aa3dc', //app secrete, 'redirect' => '', //'http://localhost/FaveoVersions/faveo-helpdesk/public/social/login/github', //redirect ], 'twitter' => [ 'client_id' => '', //'zIngm3fOvZSUl2mXQVuUkeyJq', //app id 'client_secret' => '', //'56qAS0c0AuDQqMKu6eFaixfEuIMt8L0PrOxvXtJ4Lcq08xClT2', //app secrete, 'redirect' => '', //'http://twitter-auth.app/FaveoVersions/faveo-helpdesk/public/social/login/twitter', //redirect ], 'linkedin' => [ 'client_id' => '', //'8124vrpk0p0a4h', //client id 'client_secret' => '', //'hKWvjrJba80PSzET', //client secrete, 'redirect' => '', //'http://localhost/FaveoVersions/faveo-helpdesk/public/social/login/linkedin', //redirect ], 'bitbucket' => [ 'client_id' => '', //'pLKys6C89Xg6bbuHcL', //client id 'client_secret' => '', //'dD7HerXuELJR3uZQv93ZYuXsg5vLSzLR', //client secrete, 'redirect' => '', //'http://localhost/FaveoVersions/faveo-helpdesk/public/social/login/bitbucket', //redirect ], ]; PK 7HWZ mail.phpnu [ env('MAIL_DRIVER', 'smtp'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SMTP Host Address |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may provide the host address of the SMTP server used by your | applications. A default option is provided that is compatible with | the Mailgun mail service which will provide reliable deliveries. | */ 'host' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SMTP Host Port |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This is the SMTP port used by your application to deliver e-mails to | users of the application. Like the host we have set this value to | stay compatible with the Mailgun e-mail application by default. | */ 'port' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global "From" Address |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | You may wish for all e-mails sent by your application to be sent from | the same address. Here, you may specify a name and address that is | used globally for all e-mails that are sent by your application. | */ 'from' => ['address' => '', 'name' => ''], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | E-Mail Encryption Protocol |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the encryption protocol that should be used when | the application send e-mail messages. A sensible default using the | transport layer security protocol should provide great security. | */ 'encryption' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SMTP Server Username |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If your SMTP server requires a username for authentication, you should | set it here. This will get used to authenticate with your server on | connection. You may also set the "password" value below this one. | */ 'username' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SMTP Server Password |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may set the password required by your SMTP server to send out | messages from your application. This will be given to the server on | connection so that the application will be able to send messages. | */ 'password' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sendmail System Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When using the "sendmail" driver to send e-mails, we will need to know | the path to where Sendmail lives on this server. A default path has | been provided here, which will work well on most of your systems. | */ 'sendmail' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mail "Pretend" |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When this option is enabled, e-mail will not actually be sent over the | web and will instead be written to your application's logs files so | you may inspect the message. This is great for local development. | */]; PK 7HWZQ;:bn n testing/database.phpnu [ PDO::FETCH_CLASS, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Default Database Connection Name |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify which of the database connections below you wish | to use as your default connection for all database work. Of course | you may use many connections at once using the Database library. | */ 'default' => 'mysql', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Database Connections |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here are each of the database connections setup for your application. | Of course, examples of configuring each database platform that is | supported by Laravel is shown below to make development simple. | | | All database work in Laravel is done through the PHP PDO facilities | so make sure you have the driver for your particular database of | choice installed on your machine before you begin development. | */ 'connections' => [ 'sqlite' => [ 'driver' => 'sqlite', 'database' => storage_path().'/database.sqlite', 'prefix' => '', ], 'mysql' => [ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', 'prefix' => '', 'strict' => false, 'options' => [ PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true, ], ], 'pgsql' => [ 'driver' => 'pgsql', 'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), 'charset' => 'utf8', 'prefix' => '', 'schema' => 'public', ], 'sqlsrv' => [ 'driver' => 'sqlsrv', 'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), 'prefix' => '', ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Migration Repository Table |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This table keeps track of all the migrations that have already run for | your application. Using this information, we can determine which of | the migrations on disk haven't actually been run in the database. | */ 'migrations' => 'migrations', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Redis Databases |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store that also | provides a richer set of commands than a typical key-value systems | such as APC or Memcached. Laravel makes it easy to dig right in. | */ 'redis' => [ 'cluster' => false, 'default' => [ 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 0, ], ], ]; PK 7HWZ 4 cache.phpnu [ env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache Stores |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may define all of the cache "stores" for your application as | well as their drivers. You may even define multiple stores for the | same cache driver to group types of items stored in your caches. | */ 'stores' => [ 'apc' => [ 'driver' => 'apc', ], 'array' => [ 'driver' => 'array', ], 'database' => [ 'driver' => 'database', 'table' => 'cache', 'connection' => null, ], 'file' => [ 'driver' => 'file', 'path' => storage_path().'/framework/cache', ], 'memcached' => [ 'driver' => 'memcached', 'servers' => [ [ 'host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'weight' => 100, ], ], ], 'redis' => [ 'driver' => 'redis', 'connection' => 'default', ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache Key Prefix |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When utilizing a RAM based store such as APC or Memcached, there might | be other applications utilizing the same cache. So, we'll specify a | value to get prefixed to all our keys so we can avoid collisions. | */ 'prefix' => 'laravel', ]; PK 7HWZ6R database.phpnu [ PDO::FETCH_CLASS, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Default Database Connection Name |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify which of the database connections below you wish | to use as your default connection for all database work. Of course | you may use many connections at once using the Database library. | */ 'default' => env('DB_TYPE', 'mysql'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Database Connections |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here are each of the database connections setup for your application. | Of course, examples of configuring each database platform that is | supported by Laravel is shown below to make development simple. | | | All database work in Laravel is done through the PHP PDO facilities | so make sure you have the driver for your particular database of | choice installed on your machine before you begin development. | */ 'connections' => [ 'sqlite' => [ 'driver' => 'sqlite', 'database' => storage_path().'/database.sqlite', 'prefix' => '', ], 'mysql' => [ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD'), 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', 'port' => env('DB_PORT', ''), 'prefix' => '', 'strict' => false, ], 'pgsql' => [ 'driver' => 'pgsql', 'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), 'port' => env('DB_PORT', ''), 'charset' => 'utf8', 'prefix' => '', 'schema' => 'public', ], 'sqlsrv' => [ 'driver' => 'sqlsrv', 'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'), 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'), 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'), 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''), 'port' => env('DB_PORT', ''), 'prefix' => '', ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Migration Repository Table |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This table keeps track of all the migrations that have already run for | your application. Using this information, we can determine which of | the migrations on disk haven't actually been run in the database. | */ 'migrations' => 'migrations', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Installer value |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This key is used for the installer to know wether this project is | installed or not. | */ 'install' => env('DB_INSTALL'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Redis Databases |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store that also | provides a richer set of commands than a typical key-value systems | such as APC or Memcached. Laravel makes it easy to dig right in. | */ 'redis' => [ 'cluster' => false, 'default' => [ 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'database' => 0, ], ], ]; PK 7HWZbҾ compile.phpnu [ [ realpath(__DIR__.'/../app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php'), realpath(__DIR__.'/../app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php'), realpath(__DIR__.'/../app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php'), ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Compiled File Providers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may list service providers which define a "compiles" function | that returns additional files that should be compiled, providing an | easy way to get common files from any packages you are utilizing. | */ 'providers' => [ // ], ]; PK 7HWZ\6i i session.phpnu [ env('SESSION_DRIVER', 'file'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Lifetime |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may specify the number of minutes that you wish the session | to be allowed to remain idle before it expires. If you want them | to immediately expire on the browser closing, set that option. | */ 'lifetime' => 120, 'expire_on_close' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Encryption |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This option allows you to easily specify that all of your session data | should be encrypted before it is stored. All encryption will be run | automatically by Laravel and you can use the Session like normal. | */ 'encrypt' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session File Location |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When using the native session driver, we need a location where session | files may be stored. A default has been set for you but a different | location may be specified. This is only needed for file sessions. | */ 'files' => storage_path().'/framework/sessions', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Database Connection |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When using the "database" or "redis" session drivers, you may specify a | connection that should be used to manage these sessions. This should | correspond to a connection in your database configuration options. | */ 'connection' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Database Table |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When using the "database" session driver, you may specify the table we | should use to manage the sessions. Of course, a sensible default is | provided for you; however, you are free to change this as needed. | */ 'table' => 'sessions', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Sweeping Lottery |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Some session drivers must manually sweep their storage location to get | rid of old sessions from storage. Here are the chances that it will | happen on a given request. By default, the odds are 2 out of 100. | */ 'lottery' => [2, 100], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Cookie Name |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may change the name of the cookie used to identify a session | instance by ID. The name specified here will get used every time a | new session cookie is created by the framework for every driver. | */ 'cookie' => 'laravel_session', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Cookie Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The session cookie path determines the path for which the cookie will | be regarded as available. Typically, this will be the root path of | your application but you are free to change this when necessary. | */ 'path' => '/', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Cookie Domain |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may change the domain of the cookie used to identify a session | in your application. This will determine which domains the cookie is | available to in your application. A sensible default has been set. | */ 'domain' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | HTTPS Only Cookies |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | By setting this option to true, session cookies will only be sent back | to the server if the browser has a HTTPS connection. This will keep | the cookie from being sent to you if it can not be done securely. | */ 'secure' => false, ]; PK 7HWZ^ image.phpnu [ 'gd', ]; PK 7HWZK" lfm.phpnu [ true, // true : files will be renamed as uniqid // false : files will remain original names // true : filter filename characters which are not alphanumeric, and replace them with '_' 'alphanumeric_filename' => true, 'use_package_routes' => true, // set this to false to customize route for file manager 'middlewares' => ['web', 'auth'], // determine middlewares that apply to all file manager routes // NOTE: for laravel 5.2, please use ['web', 'auth'] 'allow_multi_user' => true, // true : user can upload files to shared folder and their own folder // false : all files are put together in shared folder 'user_field' => 'user_name', // determine which column of users table will be used as user's folder name 'shared_folder_name' => 'shares', // the name of shared folder 'thumb_folder_name' => 'thumbs', // the name of thumb folder // valid image mimetypes 'valid_image_mimetypes' => [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', ], // valid file mimetypes (only when '/laravel-filemanager?type=Files') 'valid_file_mimetypes' => [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'application/pdf', 'text/plain', ], ]; PK 7HWZb_ languages.phpnu [ ['Afar', 'ʿAfár af'], 'ab' => ['Abkhazian', 'аҧсшәа'], 'af' => ['Afrikaans', 'Afrikaans'], 'am' => ['Amharic', 'አማርኛ'], 'ar' => ['Arabic', 'العربية'], 'as' => ['Assamese', 'অসমীয়া'], 'ay' => ['Aymara', 'aymar aru'], 'az' => ['Azerbaijani', 'azərbaycan dili'], 'ba' => ['Bashkir', 'башҡорт теле'], 'be' => ['Byelorussian', 'беларуская мова'], 'bg' => ['Bulgarian', 'български език'], 'bh' => ['Bihari', 'भोजपुरी'], 'bi' => ['Bislama', 'Bislama'], 'bn' => ['Bengali', 'বাংলা'], 'bo' => ['Tibetan', 'བོད་ཡིག'], 'br' => ['Breton', 'brezhoneg'], 'ca' => ['Catalan', 'català'], 'co' => ['Corsican', 'corsu, lingua corsa'], 'cs' => ['Czech', 'čeština, český jazyk'], 'cy' => ['Welsh', 'Cymraeg'], 'da' => ['Danish', 'dansk'], 'de' => ['German', 'Deutsch'], 'dz' => ['Bhutani', 'རྫོང་ཁ་'], 'el' => ['Greek', 'ελληνικά'], 'en' => ['English', 'English'], 'eo' => ['Esperanto', 'Esperanto'], 'es' => ['Spanish', 'Español'], 'et' => ['Estonian', 'eesti'], 'eu' => ['Basque', 'euskara'], 'fa' => ['Persian', 'فارسی'], 'fi' => ['Finnish', 'suomi'], 'fj' => ['Fiji', 'vosa Vakaviti'], 'fo' => ['Faeroese', 'føroyskt'], 'fr' => ['French', 'français'], 'fy' => ['Frisian', 'Frysk'], 'ga' => ['Irish', 'Gaeilge'], 'gd' => ['Gaelic', 'ɡɔɪˈdɛlɪk'], 'gl' => ['Galician', 'Galego'], 'gn' => ['Guarani', 'Avañ\'eẽ'], 'gu' => ['Gujarati', 'ગુજરાતી'], 'ha' => ['Hausa', 'هَوُسَ'], 'hi' => ['Hindi', 'हिन्दी'], 'hr' => ['Croatian', 'hrvatski jezik'], 'hu' => ['Hungarian', 'magyar'], 'hy' => ['Armenian', 'Հայերեն'], 'ia' => ['Interlingua', 'Interlingua'], 'ie' => ['Interlingue', 'Interlingue'], 'ik' => ['Inupiak', 'Iñupiaq'], 'id' => ['Indonesian', 'Bahasa Indonesia'], 'is' => ['Icelandic', 'Íslenska'], 'it' => ['Italian', 'Italiano'], 'he' => ['Hebrew', 'עברית'], 'ja' => ['Japanese', '日本語 [にほんご]'], 'yi' => ['Yiddish', 'ייִדיש'], 'jv' => ['Javanese', 'ꦧꦱꦗꦮ'], 'ka' => ['Georgian', 'ქართული'], 'kk' => ['Kazakh', 'қазақ тілі'], 'kl' => ['Greenlandic', 'kalaallisut'], 'km' => ['Cambodian', 'ខ្មែរ, ខេមរភាសា'], 'kn' => ['Kannada', 'ಕನ್ನಡ'], 'ko' => ['Korean', '한국어'], 'ks' => ['Kashmiri', 'कश्मीरी'], 'ku' => ['Kurdish', 'كوردی'], 'ky' => ['Kirghiz', 'Кыргызча'], 'la' => ['Latin', 'latine'], 'ln' => ['Lingala', 'Lingála'], 'lo' => ['Laothian', 'ພາສາລາວ'], 'lt' => ['Lithuanian', 'lietuvių kalba'], 'lv' => ['Latvian', 'Latviešu Valoda'], 'mg' => ['Malagasy', 'fiteny malagasy'], 'mi' => ['Maori', 'te reo Māori'], 'mk' => ['Macedonian', 'македонски јазик'], 'ml' => ['Malayalam', 'മലയാളം'], 'mn' => ['Mongolian', 'Монгол хэл'], 'ro' => ['Moldavian', 'Română'], 'mr' => ['Marathi', 'मराठी'], 'ms' => ['Malay', 'Bahasa Melayu'], 'mt' => ['Maltese', 'Malti'], 'my' => ['Burmese', 'ဗမာစာ'], 'na' => ['Nauru', 'Dorerin Naoero'], 'ne' => ['Nepali', 'नेपाली'], 'nl' => ['Dutch', 'Vlaams'], 'no' => ['Norwegian', 'Norsk'], 'oc' => ['Occitan', 'lenga d\'òc'], 'om' => ['Oromo', 'Afaan Oromoo'], 'or' => ['Oriya', 'ଓଡ଼ିଆ'], 'pa' => ['Punjabi', 'ਪੰਜਾਬੀ'], 'pl' => ['Polish', 'Język Polski'], 'ps' => ['Pashto', 'پښتو'], 'pt' => ['Portuguese', 'Português'], 'qu' => ['Quechua', 'Runa Simi'], 'rm' => ['Rhaeto-Romance', 'Rumantsch Grischun'], 'rn' => ['Kirundi', 'Ikirundi'], 'ro' => ['Romanian', 'Română'], 'ru' => ['Russian', 'Русский'], 'rw' => ['Kinyarwanda', 'Ikinyarwanda'], 'sa' => ['Sanskrit', 'संस्कृतम्'], 'sd' => ['Sindhi', 'सिन्धी'], 'sg' => ['Sangro', 'yângâ tî sängö'], 'sh' => ['Serbo-Croatian', '/ˌsɜːrboʊkroʊˈeɪʃən, -bə-/ '], 'si' => ['Singhalese', 'සිංහල'], 'sk' => ['Slovak', 'Slovenčina'], 'sl' => ['Slovenian', 'Slovenščina'], 'sm' => ['Samoan', 'gagana fa\'a Samoa'], 'sn' => ['Shona', 'chiShona'], 'so' => ['Somali', 'Soomaaliga'], 'sq' => ['Albanian', 'Shqip'], 'sr' => ['Serbian', 'српски језик'], 'ss' => ['Siswati', 'SiSwati'], 'st' => ['Sesotho', 'Sesotho'], 'su' => ['Sudanese', 'Basa Sunda'], 'sv' => ['Swedish', 'Svenska'], 'sw' => ['Swahili', 'Kiswahili'], 'ta' => ['Tamil', 'தமிழ்'], 'te' => ['Tegulu', 'తెలుగు'], 'tg' => ['Tajik', 'тоҷикӣ'], 'th' => ['Thai', 'ไทย'], 'ti' => ['Tigrinya', 'ትግርኛ'], 'tk' => ['Turkmen', 'Türkmen'], 'tl' => ['Tagalog', 'Wikang Tagalog'], 'tn' => ['Setswana', 'Setswana'], 'to' => ['Tonga', 'Faka Tonga'], 'tr' => ['Turkish', 'Türkçe'], 'ts' => ['Tsonga', 'Xitsonga'], 'tt' => ['Tatar', 'татар теле'], 'tw' => ['Twi', 'Twi'], 'uk' => ['Ukrainian', 'Українська'], 'ur' => ['Urdu', 'اردو'], 'uz' => ['Uzbek', 'Oʻzbek'], 'vi' => ['Vietnamese', 'Tiếng Việt'], 'vo' => ['Volapuk', 'Volapük'], 'wo' => ['Wolof', 'Wollof'], 'xh' => ['Xhosa', 'isiXhosa'], 'yo' => ['Yoruba', 'Yorùbá'], 'zh' => ['Chinese', '中文 (Zhōngwén)'], 'zh-hant' => ['Chinese', '中文 [Traditional]'], 'zh-hans' => ['Chinese', '中文 [Simplified]'], 'zu' => ['Zulu', 'isiZulu'], ]; PK 7HWZ k<